Innovative trends

Essay 2011. 8. 4. 15:33

Name: Seowon Jung
Class: ESL100
Date: 5/11/2008

A lot of high school in the U.S has tried to increase the rate of graduation for many years. One of the high school, Mapleton School near Denver, had a dropout rate of more than 50%. The superintendent for this school, whose name is Charlotte Ciancio, decided the entire student system needed a shakeup and school started to change after she came back there.


The Mapleton School needed innovative something and Charlotte knew that had to change. She has reorganized every school, creating 17 distinct programs. They are as different as schools can be. Besides, Welby New Tech, with 286 student has computers everywhere for their student, who want to learn on their own, in the building and classrooms are large to permit team teaching.

Even though Mapleton has tried to offer a broad menu of school experiences, its system is under the assumption that families will take advantage of the variety offered. Actually, the assumption is everywhere, which has been successful of innovative changes, by the executives level. Basically, instinct of human about power has no limit and there is a lot of people who want to take advantage as a friendship. The innovation has an effect on many students and their parents. However, if the superintendents lose their original intention or purpose, the result of their efforts will be burst like a bubble.

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소


Head Start

Essay 2011. 8. 4. 15:31
Name: Seowon Jung
Class: ESL100
Date: 5/11/2008

I. Introduction

In the past, the only way of success in life for the common people was studying hard and parents were busy taking care of their children. If their children entered a castle that the king lived in, they worked in a bureaucratic ministry as an officer with a lot of followers and eventually, many children as well as parents thought that success in life was working in the castle. For this reason, the parents were hard put to it and supported their children. However, everybody was not able to focus on studying and supporting. Some people, who had to work for their family to support as a breadwinner, had to give up studying or didn’t want their children to study something. In contrast, these days every child can be educated through high school without any charged tuition. Nevertheless, there are some children who are not able to go to school this day for the same reason as in the past.

For these reasons, the government of many countries have considered some program to help the children from low-income families. The U.S Department of Health and Human Services has put in operation a program that focuses on assisting children from low-income families. This program is called Head Start. Head Start is a federal program that has provided comprehensive early childhood development services to low-income children since 1965. Services provided to preschool-aged children include child development, educational, health, nutritional, social and other activities, intended to prepare low-income children to enter kindergarten. Overall, Head Start is already successful in giving poor children an advantage when they go to school. Besides, Head Start shows today that a Head Start program of the 1970s helped participating young children achieve greater school success and avoid crime as they grew up. Hawaii also has 125 programs of Head Start that offer a wide variety of services.

Now, Head Start is evaluated one of most successful program for children of low-income families in the US. Experts have studied long-term effects of it to prove that it has been successful program and they have found a positive impact on pre-reading skills, pre-writing skills, vocabularies knowledge, oral comprehension and phonological awareness; and early math skills; and the overall cognitive development of children. Research shows that Head Start has restricted the educational achievement gap between low and high-income children; increased high school graduation rates and reduced crime. Head Start serves only half of eligible 3 and 4 years old children. Increased investments in Head Start would make it even stronger by raising teacher qualifications, enhancing curriculum standards, expanding parent coaching, and introducing interventions for children with behavioral problems. The US should invest more in Head Start to save taxpayers’ money and save lives. Under the current law, funds for Head Start go directly from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to children from low-income families. President Bush has proposed to give states the option of controlling Head Start funds and combine the Head Start program with other pre- school programs. In order to obtain control of Head Start funds, states would have to present a plan that, among other requirements, shows how they would prepare poor children to succeed in the public schools. Despite its many successes, Head Start is getting wrapped in dark clouds.

II. Issues

Head Start has come under attack over the years. Several studies have indicated that initial gains made by Head Start children on intelligence tests are not sustained (Jacques, 2001). According to Krista (2004), "When you look at where Head Start has been in the last few years, they've been bending over backwards to avoid literacy skills.” Some of Head Start teachers guess wrong that young children are ready to learn preliteracy, premath and other school readiness skills even though the program is appropriate whether or no for young children due to lack of responsibility of the some of Head Start teachers. However, children, who are a little wanting some what weak in the head, begin to neglect studying and eventually, they are being contrary to teacher’s expectations. Moreover, the qualifications of its teaching staff are questionable and its long-term effects on the social and educational outcomes of participating children are unclear. Nevertheless, I strongly believe that Head Start is the most successful of the great society programs because the advantages of Head Start far outweigh the disadvantages.

An another issue is that while some politicians have set their sights on Head Start, a lot of children from low-income families still don’t have the benefit of a strong pre-school education experience. According to Helen, “Recorded by researchers and lived by families, Head Start's future is now uncertain as policy- makers debate a Bush-administration proposal that could effectively dismantle the cherished program. This debate badly misses the mark.”. Besides, Head Start teacher still earns roughly half the payment of a kindergarten teacher. On the other hand, the discussion in Washington focuses on moving the management of Head Start from the federal government to the states and restricting the services of program. Moreover, according to Isabel, “the effects of Head Start are not as clear. After nearly forty years of operation, there is not a national random-assignment evaluation of the long-term impacts of Head Start. (2003)”

Today, many families are eligible for several early-childhood programs like
child are, pre-K and Head Start. A lot of children are still not served due to the lack of funding. However, given these weak points, better coordination of the resources that we have is essential to help children get a strong early-learning experience and to help parents work. For example, if Head Start offers a full-day, over 8 hours, or flexible child care program, the program will be able to help working families to extend their working-hours. Besides, if teachers of Head Start establish a fund for them, new funding for Head Start teachers will be able to help them to compensate enough so that they stay with Head Start. Both child care and pre-school education are important. Child care is essential to enable both single and married mothers and fathers to work. Moreover, the reasons why pre-school education programs are important is that they help to prepare children from low-income families for school. Since 1960s, when President Lyndon B. johnson initiated the War on Poverty, a major goal of federal policy has been to improve the educational achievement of poor children. However, now almost forty years later, despite the expenditure of billions of dollars on programs for poor pre-school children, as a recent study of experts shows that the school readiness gap between poor and rich children exists (Isabel, 2003).

III. Impacts

Head Start was launched in 1965, serving over 560,000 children and families. American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Programs also began in 1965 with 43 grantees in 14 states (GOPB, 2007).At first, Head Start was an eight- week summer program staffed by thousands of volunteers from across the nation. According to PHSA “Many summer programs became nine-month, half-day programs in the first few years, and Head Start moved to the Office of Child Development in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (These offices were later renamed the Administration on Children, Youth and Families within the Department of Health and Human Services.) An effort to move the program to the Department of Education was actively opposed by Head Start supporters in the 1970s and in 2004; both times the move failed.”

Head Start’s goal has been to boost the school readiness of low-income children. Based on a “whole child” model, the program provides comprehensive services that include preschool education; medical, dental, and mental health care; nutrition services; and efforts to help parents foster their child’s development (HHS, 2005). Many people have paid a lot of taxes and some of taxes have been used for Head Start. Therefore, many people including the President have wondered what has happened to children and their families so far. Experts and the government have found a positive impact on pre-reading skills, pre-writing skills, vocabulary knowledge, oral comprehension and phonological awareness, and early math skills and the overall cognitive development of children. Experts have studied the long-term impact of Head Start. A long-term study shows that a Head Start program of the 1970s helped participating young children achieve greater school success and avoid crime as they grew up. According to High Scope, “the study found evidence of important effects on school success and crime. For females at one study site after adjusting for background differences, only about one-fourth as many Head Start participants as non-participants (5% versus 19%) failed to obtain a high school or GED diploma, and only on-third as many (5% versus 15%) were arrested for crimes (High Scope, 2003).”

Head Start restricted the school readiness gap between low-income children and high-income children. A study with a nationally representative sample of 2800 children showed that Head Start significantly raised average scores of children’s performance (Zill, al. 2003). Moreover, the largest gains were made by the lower-performing children, especially vocabulary test scores by the end of kindergarten. In addition to improved school readiness, Head Start graduates have also been shown to have lower crime rates as adults. In a large national survey, Head Start graduates were 8.5 percent less likely to be later arrested or charged with a crime than their siblings who attended other preschool program.

After careful review of major Head Start studies, early education experts have determined that the positive educational effects of Head Start are long lasting on a broad range of real-world outcomes like high school graduation, grade retention, and special education placement (Barnett,W.S, 2002). Some studies of Head Start initially suggested that the program’s effect on school achievement faded out over time, but these early studies were defective.

According to Campbell,S.B (2000), “60 percent of young children with elevated levels of aggressive behaviors will manifest high levels of anti-social and delinquent.” Head Start addresses this problem by giving services to help the social, emotional and behavior development of children. For example, some program, which is called The Incredible Years program, provided by Head Start centers trains parent, teachers and family to be strengthen problem-solving skills and non-aggressive social skills in children. In The Incredible Years program 96 percent showed a substantial reduction in aggressive behavior compared to 56 percent of children in The Incredible Years Program (Hammond,M.2001).

Early Head Start is a proven program that extends the benefits of Head Start to children under three. Families assigned to receive the combined center visit approach were 62 percent more likely to read to their children daily than families who didn’t receive the program.

IV. Conclusion

Despite a proverb “The poverty is incurable beyond cure.”, I strongly believe that Head Start is the most one of successful program in the U.S for low-income families. In case of my country, although politicians would make many programs and welfare policies, getting benefits from its program is not easy for every real poor people. Because, programs from politicians are usually not unrealizable for real poor people in actuality. Moreover, middle-class Koreans want to be qualified and benefited from many programs for poor people even though they are not poor. As a result, rich people become even more rich, poor people become even more poor. Indeed, despite born poor, they can overcome their poverty through industry and thrift but, there is nothing so hard to bear as poverty. I think that this point is cause that people give up an education of their children.

However, in my opinion, we have missed an important point. Experts have studied short-term and long-term effect regarding how many points they can earn. What I’m concerned is long-term effect regarding sentiment caused discrimination of the gap between rich and poor among the children at school. If rich children see some children at the class of Head Start, poor children can be exposed to the ridicule of the public because they are poor. We have heard the saying: “Poverty is no sin.” However, these day, it’s wrong. Poverty is the mother of crime.

Indeed, I don’t think that Head Start is not a direct solution to reduce the gap between rich and poor. It’s just an one of educational program for children. The qualified children is merely different from ordinary families. Therefore, if Head Start has been a program for poor children, we have to make an another program for rich children to change their understanding Head Start program. Also Head Start can not solve the problem of a desire to possess digital devices. I think that this problem is eternal question that the democratic government have to solve it.

In conclusion, Head Start have definitely reduce the gap between rich and poor; and there has been a controversy on it. However, I think we don’t have to worry about it. Because clouds always follow the sunshine and I expect that a kind of this controversy will improve a quality of Head Start. Eventually, Head Start will be a model of welfare policies for many developing countries.

Steinberg, J. (2001). Language Enrichment Activities Program. Retrieved Feb. 25,
2008, from
Kafer, K. (2004). A Head Start for Poor Children? Retrieved Feb. 25, 2008, From
GOPB, Great Opportunities of the Permian Basin. (2007). Head Start History
Retrieved. , , from
Oden, S. (2003). Long-Term Benefits. Retrieved Feb. 25, 2008, from
Helen, Blank. (2004). Head Start under assault
The flaws in the administration’s misguided plan(Early Childhood).
Boston, MA: The American Prospect.
Isabel, V. Sawhill. (2003). The future of Head Start.
The Nation’s Dual System of Child Care and Preschool Education.
Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소

Name: Seowon Jung
Class: ESL100
Date: 5/12/2008

One of famous entertainer got married to another entertainer last year in Korea. Their wedding ceremony became a topic of conversation because the bride was a transgender and the reaction of the masses ran to extremes. She, who was a male, getting married to a real man was unacceptable for Korean people and against popular sentiment. However, transgender: gay, lesbian and bisexual are not unfamiliar words anymore. Therefore, we are going to have to be concerned about them.

The National Education Association (NEA) adopted a resolution to start to respect diversity of student and support equal opportunity for student and staff regardless of sexual orientation. They not have only rights to an education with ordinary people but also have human rights. Homosexual love has been a topic of contempt and taboo in most countries but, a couple of countries accept it. However, St. Paul criticized homosexuality in the Bible because, homosexuality is an avaricious sex act unconcerned with the propagation of a race. Therefore, homosexual love was treated as a sin or criminal act against of the Commandment and society. I strongly believe that the homosexual love is kind of an antisocial action. Because I think that homosexuality is the result of a home environment and education from their parents. For example, suppose someone wanted to have a daughter but, his wife bore a boy. To comfort himself for not having a daughter, he will bring up his son as if he is a girl. If so, his son will think that he is basically a woman in the body of a man.

Regardless of my views, the National Education Association believes that every school district should provide counseling by trained personnel for students who are struggling with their sexual/gender orientation. Indeed, I agree counseling is a positive direction because counseling can reduce prejudice and discrimination between LGBT people and non-LGBT people. Eventually, they will be close to each other slowly. The most important thing is what we need are concern and encouragement regarding the LGBT people.

As I have mentioned, the LGBT people are the result of the influences of their parents. Some people advocates that their sex was switched before they were born, but I believe that character, personality, and sex-identification are acquired. Therefore, we have to enlighten the parents not to make their children gay. For example, if their sons and daughters have a propensity to be a girlish and boyish, the parents can reform them to think that they are the opposite sex.

However, for the rest of the people, who are unenlightened LGBT people, we have to take care of them. In my opinion, educator can make and operate special classrooms for only LGBT people such as coeducation classrooms. They could be happy or feel relieved feeling in that classrooms among the LGBT people. In conclusion, antisocial action is a kind of social phenomenon. Now, we should accept this social phenomenon and be ready for diversity of human identification. 

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소


Single-Sex Education

Essay 2011. 8. 4. 15:23
Name: Seowon Jung
Class: ESL100
Date: 5/12/2008

North-Eastern Asian countries have been affected by Confucian ideas. In South Korea, there is a sentence so far that when boys and girls become 7 years old, they can’t sit together. Moreover, approximately 500 years ago, women were not able to show any portion their skin except her face, hands, and feet. So, there are a lot of single-sex middle and high schools in S.Korea and Koreans are familiar attending single-sex schools, meetings, and military service. Someone, who wants to meet and talk to the opposite sex, would attend church. In contrast, western civilization has been magnanimous to sex and the educational experts have started to raise a question regarding the effects of this magnanimity.

According to The Australian Council for Educational Research, both boys and girls who were educated in single-sex classrooms scored on average 15 to 22 percentile ranks higher than did boys and girls in coeducational settings (2000). As boys and girls are in single-sex classrooms, they lose interest in the opposite sex and concentrate on studying and their duties. For example, many high school students in S.Korea study hard in order to meet the opposite sex because, almost all of the universities are coeducational.

Moreover, the sex crime rate can also be reduced through single-sex classroom because, while they are at school, people who they meet are all the same sex. Thus, they will lose interest in the opposite sex.

However, boys and girls in their adolescence can have some problem that we wouldn’t expect. By separating genders in school, the adult might be able to think that students will not cause some sexual incidents, but I think that they would have a greater interest in the opposite sex than a reductionist interest in the opposite sex due to curiosity. Moreover, they might have misinformation about the opposite sex. Indeed, through sex education in school, teachers can prevent sexual incidents of students but, if teachers try to restrict students desires more and more, students will have more curiosity.

These days, the experts are studying only about how the students can make higher test scores than before. Of course, young people are our hope and future of our countries. However, before we worry about how many more points they can earn, we have to make them become decent people. The percentage of low-educated people who are criminals is higher than highly educated people but, the highly educated people can be criminals, too. Therefore, the government decides to separate students from a coeducational system, the politician have to consider what the effects of single-sex education. As I mentioned, young people are the pillar of the state. 

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소


Sensitive Training

Essay 2011. 8. 4. 15:21
Name: Seowon Jung
Class: ESL100
Date: 5/12/2008

The government of many countries have continuously tried to invest a lot of money in bringing up heros. Therefore, many people emphasize that young children are the future of our country and many experts are concerned with improving education and, the educational system appropriate to each grade level. Despite the efforts of the experts, there is a gap between the rich and poor children.
According to Proctor & Dalaker (2002), 27% of Hispanic and 30% of black children are living in poverty but only 13% white children are living in poverty. These children from low-income families attend inner-city schools and some of their teachers are not certified. As results, the achievement gap between white and black and latino children has increased and racial bias has appeared in classrooms. To solve this problem, teachers in California have to take racial sensitivity training and many people believe that this program will reduce the achievement gap.
However, in my opinion, the reason why the achievement gap has appeared is the responsibility of parents. If black or Latino children really wanted to study, does the school environment in inner-city school matter? I think parents have to be concerned with the assignment or studying of children and push children to study and do homework. Eventually, children will come to think that study and homework is what they must do. Therefore, the experts and politicians should try to reduce the gap by enlightening the parents if the parents never want their sons and daughter to live in poverty like them. In addition, teachers regularly need to talk with the parents and emphasize that studying, doing the assignments and attending school are positively necessary till their children graduate from high school. Politicians must absorb informed of this.

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소

Name: Jung, Seowon
Class : ESL100

Kansas school district provides free laptops

     In the past, a lot of poor people couldn't go to school because they didn't have money. These days, nobody says they can't go to school because they don't have money. That's why the government has supported education of the citizen until high school. Nevertheless, poor students do not have equal opportunities of education. For their poor students, school should do something.
     80% of People in Kansas city are poor people. They dont have computers at home. A public school in Kansas city has provided free laptop computers for their poor students who don't have any computer at home. As they can use a free laptop computer at school, they get a equal opportunities to an education and make them proficient in computer skills. Therefore, the school in Kansas city could reduce the gap between rich and poor students.
     Indeed, there is a problem with this seemingly successful program. How can the school provide free laptop computers? The laptop computers are very expensive. A lot of tax in Kansas city might have been spent for the free laptop computers. Moreover, how do rich or middle-class people think about it? They probably want to get a free laptop computer. However, I think this program is a very excellent program for the poor student.
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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소

Name : Jung, Seowon

Superferry Practice Paragraph

      The Superferry may be a necessary evil. Some people want the Superferry to go to the neighbor islands quickly, while other people do not want the Superferry at all because they want to protect the unique environment of Hawaii. I feel the Superferry’s failure to follow the Hawaii Environmental Protection Act shows a lack of respect for the uniqueness of Hawaii’s environment. For example, the unintended threat of the spread of mongoose, bees and other pests from one island to another has angered many residents. (Mikulina, A11) As the article points out “Hawaii has a very unique environment that cannot be found anywhere else.” (Mikulina, A11) Therefore, these unique species need to be protected and preserving the many different ecosystem has been a priority in Hawaii for many years. That’s why they made laws requiring businesses to complete an environmental impact study. In addition, Mikulina(A11) points out that the environmental study is “A common and routine procedure that is followed by everyone from the department of transportation to other businesses that may impact the environment.” The uprising of the people and the decision by the Supreme Court of Hawaii clearly showed that the Superferry is not above the law.

      As a business, the Superferry’s focus may be to make a lot of money. Indeed, everyone wants to make a lot of money. They may also want to be respected as a company that starts a revolutionary transportation system in Hawaii. Unfortunately many animals, marine mammals and insects live in Hawaii as well and they also should be respected. Therefore, the Superferry should start the study of the many possible problems that may affect Hawaii’s environment, consider their responsibilities and listen to public opinions. Without Hawaii’s unique environment, Hawaii will not be the Hawaii we know today. In conclusion, Hawaii has a very unique environment and we have to protect it. With the help of many environmental laws like the Hawaii Environmental Protection Act, Hawaii has been able to upkeep it’s uniqueness. We shouldn’t allow the Superferry to ignore these laws.

Work cited :
Mikulina Jeff, Michaels Judith, and Parker Jeffrey. “Failure to complete study set Superferry
      on doomed course” Honolulu Star Bulletin / Monday, 3 September, 2007, A11
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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소

Name : Jung, Seowon
Class : ESOL 94F

Now is the time that we should be concerned about the environment in S.Korea

      Now is the time that Koreans should concern themselves about their environment. South Korea is a developed country. South Korean people have experienced war and the bitterness of life as a colony of Japan. However, many people have accomplished degrees in a variety of fields and South Korea has become a world-class producer of electric home appliances and computer technologies. However, on the other hand, because they have succeeded in their economic development efforts, Koreans are now fighting with environmental problems. There are three main reasons for this, indifferent government behavior, high speed industrialization and people’s lack of responsibility. If these are not dealt with the environment of South Korea will be significantly be damaged.

      First because the government has focused on developing Korea’s economy, they have shown indifference to destroying the environment. The Korea government has not established laws enough about environmental problems and protecting nature. Actually, the government did not know what the results of impatient industrialization would be in the 1970’s because Korea was an underdeveloped country and Koreans had to fight with famine, starvation and poverty. Even though Koreans made some mistakes, I strongly believe the government is at fault for failing to educate Koreans. In addition, in order to develop the country, the government failed to strongly punish some companies for damaging or polluting the environment. For instance, some companies discharged waste-water into rivers and Koreans did not know the pollution was there. After that, in the 1978s, some green activists found out and prosecuted the companies for what they did, but the government only gave those companies a very light penalty. As a result, in spite of creating dirty air, land and water, government officials knew and looked on with folded arms and many owners of companies thought they would be fine no matter what they did, so they did it. Finally, because the government’s behavior was like this, many companies were not concerned bout environmental issues.

      The second reason for Korea’s environmental problem is high-speed industrialization. Korean industrialization has been so successful since the 1960s that the shift from an agrarian society to a post-industrial one was accomplished in three decades. (Youngpyoung, 1997) “Miracle on the Han River is a catchphrase often used in South Korea and by scholars to describe the period of rapid economic growth that took place in South Korea following the Korean War up until the Asian Financial Crisis. In particular, this phrase is often used to describe the growth of Seoul -through which the Han River flows - from a city virtually leveled by war to a major economic hub, and the growth of South Korea into one of the Four Asian Tigers.” (Wikipedia, 2007) To develop the country quickly, Koreans built a lot of factories in many places. Model examples are GM Daewoo, Samsung, LG and Hyundai. They have enormous factories and make a lot of jobs. Unfortunately, toxic smoke is emitted from their chimnies. Moreover, some companies discharge waste-water, oil and other factory-wastes without treating these wastes at a disposal plant. In this situation, we have created too many problems for the environment. Basically, Korea is very small and has high density of population. In the past, Korea was based on agriculture, but expanding companies needed many factories. Therefore, the government permitted companies to build on farmland. They also cut down and cleared forests for farming, roads and new buildings. Korea had insufficient natural resources. Therefore, Koreans had to develop technologies and hunt for talented. Unfortunately, many rivers were getting more polluted gradually as Koreans were developing their technologies and businesses. Eventually, forgetting their duties and responsibilities, many companies failed to install air and water purifying systems due to financing problems and lack of government pressure.

      A third reason for pollution is the average Korean citizen’s lack of responsibility in contributing to environmental problems. For example, approximately 15 years ago, many Koreans washed their own cars in front of their houses. When they washed the car, they used detergent. An even more serious problem was the motor oil streaming into the sewers from driveways and roads. Finally, the government has prohibited washing cars in residential areas. Now Koreans can only wash their cars in a specific area, which is a designated car wash. Moreover, in Korean neighborhoods trash was piled so high in the trash bin that it overflowed into the busy street, creating both an unsightly mess and a health hazard. In response, the government began to educate the public on separating and recycling garbage because of the average Korean’s insufficient awareness about protecting the environment through proper waste management.

      Nowadays, many small towns are changing from rural to urban and many small town people are leaving the countryside. According to Dogeun (2007), “A countryside’s academic standard is below the level of a metropolis.”. People have also disappeared from the countryside because they moved to a metropolis for the future of their sons and daughters. In addition, many farmers cannot make money anymore by growing plants and they gave up their job. Basically, the lifestyle of Korean people was based on agriculture but we might need to import rice from other countries now. Farmers have more poverty than before, and eventually they sell their land. Koreans started to build factories where people do not live anymore. However, because of the land to construct factories, agricultural soil was disappeared. Instead of crops, we have been able to see the factories. Many factories and apartments were built on farmland and people and factories are creating a lot of garbage. These trends have resulted in many environment problems. As a result, many problems have been caused for the environment.

      A lot of garbage was piled up in a specific place, called Nanji Island. There were no free spaces anymore and the government had to do something. As a result, the government closed down the Nanji Island and started separating garbage there. The government constructed an eco-park on a trash heaps in February 1993 and Nanji Island came back as an beautiful eco-park in May 2002. (Naver Encyclopedia, 2007) In comparison with other parks, Nanji eco-park uses natural energy that purifies itself and generates abundant methane gas from trash heaps and wind power from five enormous windmills. (Naver Encyclopedia, 2007). This is one of good example of dealing successfully with an environmental problem. Fortunately, Nanji Island was the only major landfill in Korea.

      On the other hand, some natural treasures might be exterminated by industrialization. The tiger, Peregrine falcon, and Manchurian black bear are examples of animals that are being sacrificed to industrialization in Korea. Some kinds of native trees might be exterminated too. The Han river has turned black. Just a few kinds of fish live there now. Actually, it is difficult to find rivers where healthy fish populations live. Though a little too late the government has decided to take measures. However, Koreans are going to have to take much better care of the environment than they do now if they want to save these treasures. The reasons for the death of many species of wildlife are polluted water and air. Seoul’s smog is famous. Moreover, rivers and brooks were polluted by people who failed to take responsibility for environmental problems. Many factories discharged wasted water into the rivers, oceans and sky without purifiers. There is no question that humans have polluted nature and the habitat of many species of wildlife. We can still find many clean and beautiful rivers and valleys in Korea. However, when people go on a picnic by the river or in a valley in the mountains, they do not clean up their camping ground. Some wash their clothes with detergent in brooks or rivers. Thus, even though they are not factory owners these individuals ignore their responsibilities and duties related to environmental protection. However, basically most environmental problems come from human activities.

      In conclusion, developing the country and protecting the environment are in inverse proportion to each other and humans have to choose one of them or find sustainable ways to do business that don’t destroy the environment. It will be most difficult to harmonize with nature, but the door is always open. For all these reasons, I think that the government has to establish stronger laws about protecting Korea’s environment. And first of all, we have to educate our sons and daughters to protect the environment and explain the reasons why nature is important for their future. Everyone has to stand behind their responsibilities.

Works cited:

BRIC, Biological research information center of Korea. 2003,
Dogeun, Jeon. Education of Countryside. 11 July 2007,
Naver Encyclopedia, Sky park.
Wikipedia, Miracle of the Han river. 29 Oct 2007.
Youngpyoung, Kim. The Korean Civil Service System. Indiana University on the web.
     5 April 1997.

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소


Why I want an education?

Essay 2008. 2. 26. 18:57
Name : Jung, Seowon
Class : ESL 100

Why I want an education?

      The reason why people study something is to live their lives better. After high school, I experienced college for 1 year. My major was computer science in university. However, my dad died when I was 19 years old and the tuition of the university in South Korea was very expensive. Therefore, I needed to stop my studies and I had to get a part-time or full-time job because my mom didnt have a income and my younger sister was a high school student. After 1 year, I went into the military service for 26 months like other Korean guys. After military service, I got a new job at a construction company in order to keep supporting my family. Eventually, I got a good job as a banker even though I didn't graduate from university. I worked at a bank for 3 years.

      One day, I suddenly wanted to study about finance and accounting. Therefore, I decided to study abroad with my wife. My aunt is living in Hawaii and that's why I'm at here at KCC. When I came here in March 2007, I started to study at an ESL language institute. However, my friend suggested that I needed to study at KCC for my English. Therefore, I took the TOEIC test because KCC needed the TOEIC or TOEFL score. Eventually, I was able to enroll at KCC as a student of ESOL94 last semester.

      Maybe, I didnt need an education, because, if I hadn't resigned from my job, I might be a father. Moreover, I might be a director or manager, something like that in my job. A banker is a very safe, stable and comfortable job in South Korea. Why I gave it up and came here is I needed an education. Actually, I don't know the details of work in finance and accounting. To succeed in my life, I think I need to be a professional. To be a professional, I have to study much more. A degree from a colleges or universities is proof that I am a professional or an educated person. I guess many people study at a university or college for many years in order to be a professional.

      In conclusion, some of us like studying, or some of us dont like studying. However, the most important thing is that we need an education in order to live our lives better. Besides, respectable people are usually highly educated.
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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소


The Purpose of Education

Essay 2008. 2. 26. 18:54
Name: Jung, Seowon
Class : ESL100

The Purpose of Education

      What is the purpose of education nowadays? Why do people try to teach other people? In the past, people wanted to teach children about life and how people interacted with one another. However, nowadays, our parents want us not to live a dull life among other people because our parents are worried about children living with other people in a society filled with difficulty. Therefore, I firmly believe that a good education should not only teach intelligence but also teach sensibility because I think our children already have a smart brain. However, on the contrary, we have seen from the newspapers and TV that they have lost their sensibility and are becoming crueler.

      When I was a high school student approximately 15 years ago, I studied math, English, science, ethics and 10 other courses. The ethics was a required course for every student in Korea until now. However, I thought that ethics was not a necessary course for me because, my parents and teachers wanted me to get high score in math, English and science. Therefore, I neglected learning ethics and I think Im sometimes ill-mannered until now. Do students learn the ethics in their schools now? I question whether they learn even though I do believe it is one of the necessary courses. In Japan and Korea, some students have left their classmates in the cold for no reason. The only reason that people can come up with is that the children want to be cruel to the other students. This a social phenomenon that has been a problem among the students. The intelligence of the student is getting higher every year, however, the crimes of the student are becoming crueler. The government and parents want the children to be helpful to people or someone who will make lots of money. However, the students have become more competitive with their friends to get ahead in school and survival their jobs. As a result, peer pressure has become a significant issue and there is less of a concern about the childrens personal development and social skills in off-campus life or extracurricular activities.

      Now, Im studying again, but I'm not studying ethics. What is it that I studied when I was high school and a university student? If I learned ethics while I was a high school student, I might have grown into an adult faster. What is growing into an adulthood? Is it being older than 21 years old? Or is it graduating from high school? My view on this issue is that growing into adulthood is being a level-headed person who can tell right from wrong. People can still learn about culture and get social skills, and become a good person even though they may be living under strict regulations from society and schools. In conclusion, a good education is to make children a man or woman of decent character and growing their intrinsic quality. Besides, by investing in our children now, we are investing in our future.
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