Name: Jung, Seowon
Class: ESL 100

The cost of a college education is rising in the U.S

      Some of private colleges have increased their tuition as if they are competing with one another. In order to maintain or increase budgets, colleges and universities need to continue to increase tuition and fees (Eric, 2007). According to USA Today (Sandra, 2007), in the past 25 years, the average cost of tuition and fees has risen faster than personal income, consumer prices and even health insurance. The tuition of college increased by 295% between 1982 and 2003, a growth rate higher than health care costs (195%), housing (84%), and all items (83%) (Richard, 2008).

      I question whether the U.S government offers a learning opportunity for an education to U.S citizen even international students. Unfortunately, "the cost of attending college has been rising faster than inflation and faster than family incomes, prompting anguished outcries from consumers and calls in Congress for colleges to rein in their costs or disgorge more of their endowments" (New York Times, 2007). To be specific, "the tuition and other costs, not including room and board, rose to $6,185 at public four-year colleges this year, up 6.6% from last year, while tuition at private colleges hit $23,712, and increase of 6.3%. At public two-year institution, average tuition and fees rose 4.2% to $2,361" (Jonathan, 2007). Not only college tuition is rising every year, but Financial Aid is not helping the students. If so, why have the U.S government, colleges and universities raised their tuition and reduced their financial aid program? Experts have tried to explain that there are specific reasons. One expert, Ronald G. Ehrenberg (2000), explains why tuition has risen by looking at the decisions that affect costs rather than by looking at a list of items that cost more. These decisions are motivated by the competition among institutions to seek the highest rankings (for example, a department that ranks ahead of all but ten in the country). In a winner-takeall economy, the best students seek admission to the institutions that are ranked the highest.

      In my opinion, one of the major reasons was that students want better facilities, environment, and teachers to study. Furthermore, another serious reason was that the government has reduced their Financial Aid programs.

Work cited :
     Jonathan D. Glater College costs rising at double the inflation rate. 22 Oct. 2007           
     Haley Davis College cost rising, but degree still important.
          University of California, CA : News for Faculty and Staff of the University of
          California, 30 Nov 2007.
     New York Times Too costly for even the well-to-do. 19 Dec. 2007.
     Richard Vedder Going broke by degree : Why college costs too much 18 Jan. 2008
           Ronald, Ehrenberg G. Tuition Rising: Why College Costs So Much, with a New Preface.
          Cambridge, MA: Havard University Press, 2000.
     Sandra Block Rising of college costs USA Today : Rising costs make climb to higher
          education steeper, 12 Jan. 2007.
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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소

Name : Jung, Seowon
Class : ESL 100

The number of college graduates in the US is decreasing

Approximately 1,600 years ago, Socrates taught his students without charging tuition. He didn't expect any financial gain and he just wanted to share and communicate his ideas and philosophies with his students. However, many people have paid their tuition in order to study in colleges and now, this has resulted in student dropping out from their colleges. Therefore, it is evident that the reason of dropout is caused by financial pressures from tuition increases of colleges.

One popular magazine has researched the number of dropouts and has predicted an increase. According to Market Wire (2007), "In the 60s we saw college dropout rates of one in five. In the 90s this increased to one in three. Now, according to the Department of Education figures for 2000 through 2006, thirty percent leave in the first year, and an astonishing fifty percent never graduate. To be specific, the completion rate among college attendees dropped from 51.1% to 45.3% and, among those receiving degrees, the percent receiving a degree within 4 years dropped from 56.8% to 43.6%" (Population Study Center, 2007).

For all of these reasons, I think that the decreasing rate of the number of college graduates will continue for some time. Indeed, the continuing decreases in college graduation rates probably have multiple causes, but I support the idea that a rise in financial pressures leads to students falling behind and failing (Market Wire, 2007). Therefore, I suppose the financial pressures for poor families that have been increasing is the cause for the the decreasing rate of the number of college graduates.

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Seowon Jung의 잡동사니 보관소

2007년 11월에 맥을 샀으니 이제 며칠만 있으면 5개월째다.
반년쯤 되면 맥유저라고 할 수 있을까나?

아이맥을 구입하고 한 달 정도 지나니깐, 내가 가진 모든 컴퓨터를 모두 맥으로 쓰고싶었다.
마눌님한테 겨우 허락받아 구입한 아이맥인데, 마눌님이 설마 맥북까지 사주실리는 없고,
대신 해킨토시나 설치해서 쓰자는 생각에 해킨토시를 어둠의 경로로 다운받았다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

도시바 Satellite A60
CPU : P4 Cel 3.0
RAM : 512
HDD : 80GB
Graphic : ATi Radeon 7000

사용자 삽입 이미지

사실, 해킨토시를 깔고싶었던 건 아주 오래됐었다. 작년 이맘때쯤? 근데 내 랩탑에는 안된다는 웹서핑
결과에 그냥 포기하고 지냈었다가 요번에 다시 웹서핑을 해보니 가능하단다. VMware로써.
그래서 Jas 10.4.6을 다운받아서 vmware로 설치했다. 한 6시간 걸린 것 같다.
설치는 이상없이 잘 됐다. 맥의 화려한 익스포제, Dock의 아이콘 확대, 대쉬보드 모두 잘 됐다.
그것두 ATi Radeon 7000으로 말이다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

다만 사양이 사양이다보니 뭘 하나만 실행시켜도 CPU 리소스를 많이 잡아먹었고 계속 쓰다보면 내부
시스템의 CPU 점유율이 계속 높아져서 결국은 재부팅을 해야했다.
게다가 사운드도 안잡혔고 무선랜도 안잡혔다.
물론 이 부분에 대해서는 웹서핑으로 해결을 했다. 찾아보니깐 드라이버가 모두 있더라.
어쨌든 설치는 했으나 너무 느려서 제대로 활용하는 것은 불가능하다는 결론을 내렸다.

사람이란 동물이 참 간사한 게, 내가 맥을 구입한 이후로는, 해킨토시 사용자가 괜히 싫어졌다.
내가 맥이 없을 때는 나도 해킨토시를 깔았다가, 맥을 사고도 맥을 쓰고싶어서 해킨토시를 설치한 내가,
그냥 해킨토시만 쓰는 사람들이 괜히 싫어졌다.
나는 비싼 돈 주고 맥 사서 맥 사용자만의 전유물이라고 할 수 있는 즐거운 맥라이프를 즐기고 있는데,
맥을 구입하지도 않은 싸구려일수도 있고 아닐 수도 있는 IBM PC에다 맥을 설치해서 쓰는 모습이
눈에 거슬렸다. 물론 게시판에는 이게 안되서 도와달라, 저게 안되서 도와달라는 글이 엄청났고, 그걸
보면서 그래. 맥을 쓰려면 맥을 사야지~! 라고 생각했다.
그런데 한편으로는, 이렇게나마 맥유저가 많아지면 이 사람들이 컴을 살 때쯤 되서 분명 맥을 구입하지 않을까
라는 리눅서 시절 때 생각했던 식의 생각이 떠오르는 것이 아닌가...
그래. 맥 사용자가 많아지는 건 좋은 현상이다. 그래야 맥도 발전을 할테니.

우리나라 맥 유저가 많아지면 맥이 발전할 거라는 어줍잖은 생각이, 여기 미국에서는 어림잡아도 맥 유저가 40%
이상은 되어보이니 한국이 꼭 뭐라도 된 것 마냥 생각할 수도 있지만, 맥 유저의 증가는 한국의 인터넷 환경과도
밀접한 관련이 있다는 생각에 역시나 맥 유저가 많아지면 좋긴 좋을 거다.
(내가 써놓고도 무슨 말인지 모르겠다)

어쨌든, 해킨토시 유저들은 컴퓨터를 구입해야할 때가 오면 반드시 맥을 살 거다.
진정한 맥 라이프는, 진짜 매킨토시를 사야 즐길 수 있다고 본다. 해킨토시로는 반쪽 라이프~~~
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