Name : Jung, Seowon
The Superferry may be a necessary evil. Some people want the Superferry to go to the neighbor islands quickly, while other people do not want the Superferry at all because they want to protect the unique environment of Hawaii. I feel the Superferry’s failure to follow the Hawaii Environmental Protection Act shows a lack of respect for the uniqueness of Hawaii’s environment. For example, the unintended threat of the spread of mongoose, bees and other pests from one island to another has angered many residents. (Mikulina, A11) As the article points out “Hawaii has a very unique environment that cannot be found anywhere else.” (Mikulina, A11) Therefore, these unique species need to be protected and preserving the many different ecosystem has been a priority in Hawaii for many years. That’s why they made laws requiring businesses to complete an environmental impact study. In addition, Mikulina(A11) points out that the environmental study is “A common and routine procedure that is followed by everyone from the department of transportation to other businesses that may impact the environment.” The uprising of the people and the decision by the Supreme Court of Hawaii clearly showed that the Superferry is not above the law.
As a business, the Superferry’s focus may be to make a lot of money. Indeed, everyone wants to make a lot of money. They may also want to be respected as a company that starts a revolutionary transportation system in Hawaii. Unfortunately many animals, marine mammals and insects live in Hawaii as well and they also should be respected. Therefore, the Superferry should start the study of the many possible problems that may affect Hawaii’s environment, consider their responsibilities and listen to public opinions. Without Hawaii’s unique environment, Hawaii will not be the Hawaii we know today. In conclusion, Hawaii has a very unique environment and we have to protect it. With the help of many environmental laws like the Hawaii Environmental Protection Act, Hawaii has been able to upkeep it’s uniqueness. We shouldn’t allow the Superferry to ignore these laws.
Work cited :
Mikulina Jeff, Michaels Judith, and Parker Jeffrey. “Failure to complete study set Superferry
on doomed course” Honolulu Star Bulletin / Monday, 3 September, 2007, A11
Name : Jung, Seowon
Superferry Practice Paragraph
The Superferry may be a necessary evil. Some people want the Superferry to go to the neighbor islands quickly, while other people do not want the Superferry at all because they want to protect the unique environment of Hawaii. I feel the Superferry’s failure to follow the Hawaii Environmental Protection Act shows a lack of respect for the uniqueness of Hawaii’s environment. For example, the unintended threat of the spread of mongoose, bees and other pests from one island to another has angered many residents. (Mikulina, A11) As the article points out “Hawaii has a very unique environment that cannot be found anywhere else.” (Mikulina, A11) Therefore, these unique species need to be protected and preserving the many different ecosystem has been a priority in Hawaii for many years. That’s why they made laws requiring businesses to complete an environmental impact study. In addition, Mikulina(A11) points out that the environmental study is “A common and routine procedure that is followed by everyone from the department of transportation to other businesses that may impact the environment.” The uprising of the people and the decision by the Supreme Court of Hawaii clearly showed that the Superferry is not above the law.
As a business, the Superferry’s focus may be to make a lot of money. Indeed, everyone wants to make a lot of money. They may also want to be respected as a company that starts a revolutionary transportation system in Hawaii. Unfortunately many animals, marine mammals and insects live in Hawaii as well and they also should be respected. Therefore, the Superferry should start the study of the many possible problems that may affect Hawaii’s environment, consider their responsibilities and listen to public opinions. Without Hawaii’s unique environment, Hawaii will not be the Hawaii we know today. In conclusion, Hawaii has a very unique environment and we have to protect it. With the help of many environmental laws like the Hawaii Environmental Protection Act, Hawaii has been able to upkeep it’s uniqueness. We shouldn’t allow the Superferry to ignore these laws.
Work cited :
Mikulina Jeff, Michaels Judith, and Parker Jeffrey. “Failure to complete study set Superferry
on doomed course” Honolulu Star Bulletin / Monday, 3 September, 2007, A11